We also feature some of the most clever endings ever devised and are proud to introduce Bob Kohler's Knifed and Gazzo's Creased Lightning, and many other ruses which have never previously appeared in print.
BooksNotes on the Fast and LooseThe Intricate Web of DistractionGazzo On The Cups and BallsStreet MagicPool Hustler's Handbook
VideosThe Intricate Web of DistractionFast and LooseMagical Menu of Pool Ball Wizardry
Tricks and PropsFast and Loose ChainKnot for the Fast and Loose ChainThe Sure Thing
1.5 inch Super Soft Sponge Balls (Yellow) Bag of 50 from Magic By Gosh
1.5 inch Super Soft Sponge Balls (Red) Pack of 4 from Magic by Gosh
1.5 inch Super Soft Sponge Balls (Red) Bag of 50 from Magic by Gosh
1.5 inch Super Soft Sponge Balls (Orange) Pack of 4 from Magic by Gosh